Our daughter Sylwia was born in 2000 and suffers from cerebral palsy.
It affects her arms and legs and especially her right side.
When she was 14, because of contractures and her hips, her physiotherapist advised us that her standing frame was no longer appropriate and suggested that she should stop using it. As she became older, her hips were constantly becoming displaced. In 2015, she underwent major surgery. Part of her rehabilitation was to use a standing frame but we knew from experience there were none available here to meet her needs.
After researching the UK and European market, I found LIW Care Technology. They design and manufacture an innovative multi-functional device, Baffin TRIO™, that supports and corrects the spine and can change from lying to sitting to standing positions at the touch of a button. Using patented technology, the ‘second spine’, each device is individually fitted to the patient.
I knew I had to have one for Sylwia!
However, we were unable to afford to buy one. Over the course of twelve months, we applied to the NHS and several charities in the hope that they would be able to fund it. But as the equipment was unavailable in the UK, they were unable to help us.

I knew my daughter needed this technology to prevent further deterioration and more trips to the hospital. I also strongly believe other children in the UK have the right to access better equipment than is available here.
After contacting LIW Care, I spoke with the manufacturers and negotiations to set up our company started. After months of talks, we came to a mutual agreement that meant their products could be made available in the UK and Baffin Technology Systems Limited was born.
Marzena Komisarczuk
Managing Director
Our Patented “Seat with Adjustable Back Profile”

Our principles include introducing new solutions for currently known issues and identifying new challenges that our customers are facing.
We are keen to develop our products to improve the quality of life of those in need and to expand our product range whilst looking for new markets.
The United States Patent “Seat with adjustable back profile”,
The European Patent “Seat with adjustable back profile”,