Baffin COCO™
COCO Stander enables to verticalize the patient both in the front and rear facing position. This device makes it possible to abduct the lower limbs in the standing position with angle measurement both for the left and the right leg (0o – 30o).
This function allows to adjust legs within the frontal plane in a way, which enables proper positioning of the femoral head in the socket. Thus we can achieve an abduction ensuring appropriate placement of the hip joint, and hence we can prevent hip dysplasia.
This device provides the possibility to adjust the verticalization angle from 90o to - 15o. Along with the function enabling to measure the hip joint abduction, the therapist receives a precise device to conduct a safe verticalization of the patient.
This stander is available in 3 sizes.
Advantages Baffin COCO ™

Verticalization in a front facing and rear facing position with the function allowing to measure the verticalization angle (90o – - 15o). Along with the function enabling to measure the hip joint abduction, the therapist receives a precise device to conduct a safe verticalization of the patient.
Hip abduction in a stander measuring the angle for the left and the right leg individually allows adjusting lower limbs within the frontal plane in a way, which enables proper positioning of the femoral head in the socket. Thus we can achieve an abduction ensuring appropriate placement of the hip joint, and hence we can prevent hip dysplasia.
System of pelottes and straps stabilising the patient in a safe therapeutic position. The device makes it possible to support hips, back, pelvis, along with the whole upper body with pelottes and two straps stabilising the patient.
The flexion function in the lower leg enables setting a proper angle within the knee joint - this is recommended for patients suffering from knee flexion contractures.
3D feet platforms allow to set an arbitrary corrective positions of both the left, as well as the right foot. It is possible to set the foot in dorsal flexion or plantar flexion, and ensure supination or pronation of the foot. Multi-positional knee pads, along with foot platforms provide the chance to obtain an appropriate, biomechanical linearity within the knee, ankle joint and the foot.
Verticalization is also seen as the time for playing and learning, and that is why the device has been designed to be equipped with a rectangular table, both in front facing and rear facing position, which can facilitate conducting therapeutic activities. This table can be fitted and used both in the front facing verticalization and in the rear facing verticalization.
Head support is ensured with the help of a contour headrest, steadily supporting the head. The headrest has been made of an elastic material, which allows adjusting it to the shape of the child's head. The headrest may be used both in the front facing verticalization and in the rear facing verticalization.
For whom? Baffin COCO ™
The COCO Stander is the most frequently used in the following diseases: cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophies, palsies of different aetiology, spina bifida, myelomeningocele, conditions following spinal injuries, conditions following craniocerebral trauma, conditions resulting from strokes, posture defects, scoliosis.
Verticalization with bilateral leg abduction is of crucial significance in such case. This function of the COCO Stander allows to adjust legs within the frontal plane in a way, which enables proper positioning of the femoral head in the socket. As a result we can achieve an abduction ensuring appropriate placement of the hip joint, and by the same we can prevent hip dysplasia.
- improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
- preventing and treating venostases,
- improving lung ventilation and preventing pneumonia,
- preventing pulmonary emboluses,
- preventing and treating osteoporosis,
- preventing and treating retentions within the urinary system,
- improving intestinal passage,
- improving mental condition,
- preventing muscle atrophy,
- preventing and treating contractures,
- treating and slowing the progression of scoliosis in children and young adults who have lost the ability to walk.
Accessories Baffin COCO ™
Download Baffin COCO ™
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